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Rural Health OB Emergency Bundle

6 Courses
CME/CNE: 3.50

This Rural Health OB Education bundle of courses is designed to help reduce risk exposure and improve maternal care in hospitals located in rural communities. Identification and management of the most frequent OB emergencies are highlighted and evidence-based risk reduction strategies are offered to help improve maternal care from non-OB providers.


Included Courses Expiration Credits Price
Shoulder Dystocia Part 4: External Maneuvers 11/16/2025 CME/CNE: 0.50
Maternal, Fetal, Newborn Stabilization Update 02/06/2028 CME/CNE: 1.50
Postpartum Hemorrhage #09: Management, Part 2 03/27/2027 CME/CNE: 0.50
Postpartum Hemorrhage #14: PPH Toolkit 03/27/2027 CME/CNE: 0.25
Sepsis in Pregnancy 05/02/2027 CME/CNE: 0.50
Hypertension in Pregnancy #17: Toolkit 06/23/2027 CME/CNE: 0.25
Total: $365
Bundle Price: $125